Jurnal Persatuan Bekas Mahasiswa Islam Timur Tengah

Submission Guidelines & Format

Submission Guidelines

  • Authors are to submit their paper by email:
  • Authors are required to use the style template (Style Sheet Template) Format the manuscript accordingly before submission.
  • All manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word, single spaced and font size 12/ Traditional Arabic, single spaced and font size 16. Margins are to be set at Normal (2.54cm all round) and paper size at A4 (21 x 29.7cm).
  • Manuscripts should not be less than 4000 and not more than 8000 (references and appendix is not included).
  • Each manuscript must have an abstract (not more than 250 words) and 3-5 key words. Papers in Bahasa Melayu and Arabic must have an abstract in English with similar abstract content.
  • Authors are required to conform to the Reference Guidelines (APA style) as given if they want their manuscript to be considered for publication.
  • Anytransliterationmade, it should be based oninternationaltransliterationsystem
  • Authors are to check manuscripts for accuracy of language before submitting to the journal. The Editorial Board will not edit submitted manuscripts for style or language. Non acceptance of a manuscript may result if there are an unacceptable number of grammatical errors.
  • Papers submitted for consideration of publication in AL-ANWAR must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere either in electronic or printed form. These papers should also have not been published previously.
  • The corresponding author should declare regarding this issue when submitting the paper to the Chief Editor by filling out the form provided.
  • The author/authors are to provide the editorial board with names of two reviewers from different institution, complete with their addresses, designation and email address.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial changes to any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and style.
  • Manuscript that do not adhere to any of the submission guideline, will not be considered for review.


Format Journal AL-ANWAR


(Font 14, Times New Roman) 

Azman Che Mat & Ahmad Nazuki@Marzuki Yaakub
 (Font 11)

(Font 11 Time New Roman)

Grafologi bahasa Arab (BA) adalah unik kerana ciri keanjalan setiap huruf yang terdapat padanya. Setiap huruf BA perlu berubah pola penulisannya ketika berada di pangkal kata, di pertengahan kata dan di hujung kata. Penguasaan grafologi ini sudah tentu memerlukan tempoh masa dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran BA bagi pelajar yang tidak menguasainya dengan baik. Kaedah transliterasi sebagai terjemahan unit grafologi BA kepada grafologi Latin dipercayai boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan tempoh masa tersebut. Kegunaan transliterasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran BA belum diuji secara empirikal terhadap pelajar Melayu. Oleh itu, kajian awal ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi dua tujuan; pertama, mendapatkan pandangan pengajar bahasa Arab terhadap kaedah transliterasi dan kedua, sejauh manakah penggunaannya oleh pelajarpelajar BA sebagai salah satu strategi pembelajaran. Kajian ini menggunakan data-data yang dikutip menerusi dua instrumen iaitu soal selidik dan temubual. Subjek kajian yang terlibat dalam kajian ini ialah 334 pelajar UiTM untuk mengisi solaselidik sementara 10 orang pensyarah BA dari beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi di Terengganu dan Kelantan serta 10 orang lagi pelajar UiTM dipilih untuk ditemubual. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan dua pendekatan iaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat pensyarah yang menyokong penggunaan kaedah transliterasi dan ada yang menolaknya dengan hujah masing-masing. Bagaimanapun, kebanyakan pelajar yang terlibat dengan kajian menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap penggunaan kaedah ini.

 Katakunci: transliterasi, bahasa Arab, pengajaran, pembelajaran.



Arabic grafology is unique for its flexibility of each script used. As such, to acquire this grafology is time consuming. Transliteration method which translates Arabic grafology into Latin grafology can be used to reduce that period of time. There was no empirical study conducted to test its usefulness on Malay students. Hence, this study was carried out to highlight the following: first, to explore the Arabic teachers’ views toward the method of transliteration and second, to examine the extent it was used by the Arabic students as one of their learning strategies. Data was collected through two instruments; questionnaires and interviews. 344 students from UiTM were chosen to complete the questionnaires. Whereas the respondents involved in the interviews were 10 Arabic lecturers from five higher learning institutions in Terengganu and Kelantan and 10 UiTM students. The results of the study revealed that some of the lecturers supported transliteration use while others rejected with their own arguments. However, most of the students involved had shown positive attitudes toward the use of this method.

 Keywords: transliteration, Arabic language, teaching, learning.


TEKS (Font 12)


RUJUKAN (Font 10)

Ab. Halim Mohamad. (2005). Pengajaran bahasa Arab melalui kaedah komunikatif bersepadu. Dlm. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan, Zawawi Ismail & Muhammad.
Azhar Zailani. (Pnyt.), Pendidikan Islam dan Bahasa Arab: Perspektif Pengajian Tinggi, (hlm 137-162), Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
Abul Hashim. (2000). Arabic made easy. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust.
Ahmad Von Denffer. (1991). cUlum Al-Quran: An introduction to the sciences of the Qur’ān. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Foundation.
Beg M. A. J. (1979). Arabic loan-words. Kuala Lumpur: The University of Malaya Press.
Catford, J. C. (1996). Teori linguistik bagi penterjemah. Pent. Uma A/P Iyavoo dan Koh Chung Gaik. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Mohammad Seman & Mohd Zuhir Abd Rahman. (2006). Strategi penilaian pembelajaran kemahiran mendengar dan bertutur bahasa Arab. Dalam Mohd Rosdi Ismail dan
Mat Taib Pa, (Penyt), Pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Malaysia, (hlm. 89-106), Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.

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